Rach Rey

Custodian of animal connection

My name is Rach and I am a custodian of animal connection.

I have always been an animal person over a people person, always remembering the names of dogs or pets before I remember their guardians’ names. That’s just because I feel like animals are so real and honest, trusting and lovable, teachers of all things great, and my safe and secure place to be . The connection I have with animals, well, some may say is weird or unusual but I think of it as a privilege. Simply by connecting with your pet, I can support you and them in making their lives happier and more blanced. This also helps them have a stronger bond with you, their human guardian.

Soul to Soul


Get to know me

I’ve always had a love for animals.

My pets are so awesome and I love hanging out with them. We are guardians to two Devon Rex cats – Gandhi, a clumsy and loving grey cat and Mandala, a gentle princess. Aura is our spoilt Mini Dachshund, Karma is our loyal Dachshund mix, and Eli is our Quacker parrot, that talks way too much.

​From as young as I can remember animals have always been a part of my life. As a small child it was very tough at times and I remember feeling scared, afraid and misunderstood. Animals were always my safe place, my security and comfort when things went to shit. Each of them had a name and played an important part in my life.

My love for animals led me to become a wildlife carer, caring for possums, wallabies, kangaroos, sugar gliders and birds.At this time I found that orphaned furless animals were coming in so traumatised, cold, sluggish and exhausted. Although the pinkies would be put down my bra to keep warm and calm they were still crying and not settling it was breaking my heart. I was on a mission to find something safe and natural to help these babies.

This initially came ot me in the form of flower essences. I found giving a small amount in the side of their mouths relaxed them in a short aount of time. Learning more about these alternative methods and learning about the animals’ essential nature helped immensely too.

Raising children then became my priority and these essences and other modalities helped them through teething, school and more.

As my children grew, I began running my own dog grooming business. This was no ordinary dog grooming business. I soon realised I had lots of dogs that had been subjected bad experiences with groomers, banned for biting or misbehaving and some that had to be sedated to be groomed.

These dogs had such high anxiety they just could not be groomed. With time, patience, remedies and simply understanding that it is an imbalance in the dogs’ systems that needed to be corrected, these dogs became patient and loving clients.

Along with anxiety, skin Issues, allergies, ear infections and odd behaviours were high on the list of imbalances I was working with.

Connection Healing Session $129.00

Includes Herbal Support as needed

Connection Healing Sessions are done remotely and will be discussed with you via phone.

Book your complimentary call now to find out how it all works!

In your inital set-up call I’ll find out any issues your pet may be having, what your concerns are and how you feel I could help. 

These sessions can help you get to know your pet better and support them with anxiety, navigating old age, idd behaviours, illnesses, injuries, allergies and more.

​During the session, I will connect with your pet’s energy. At this time I will also use some or all of my tools depending on your pets needs.

The tools include Reiki, crystals, colour/sound therapy, and Access. Frequency Harmonizing Healing will be used in all sessions. This can be offered over serveral days if your pet needs it.

​On completion we’ll discuss the healing your pet requires, as well as your pet’s ongoing needs which may include oils, homeopathic remedies, vibrational essences or supplements. Any information that comes through from the healings to help support your pet moving forward will offered to you as well.


A Dog’s Dash

As a former professional groomer with over 10 years of experience, I know how anxious new pet owners often are. All pet parents just want to give their pooches the very best possible life. They crave guidance and information and that’s one of the reasons why I have written and designed “A Dog’s Dash”.

“A Dog’s Dash” is filled with helpful suggestions, tips from the vet about crate training and teething, pages for pictures, locks of hair from that first groom, their favourite things, medical records, quotes and more. Being guided through chewing or fear stages will help you be prepared before things get out of control and too hard.

This journal is 260 mm x 210 mm with a hard imitation cloth thick book cover, marking ribbon, sewn binding with 136 uncoated thick pages. This makes the pages thicker and perfect for those artistic talents to shine through with felt pens and paints, to write stories about your dog, memories that you can read back to them or yourself.

Priced at only $49.95, plus $12.95 shipping. Local pickup available, Manly West Qld. Please contact me for bulk orders.

You cannot expect to have a pet that is calm and balanced if you are not

Working with alternative therapies is a little different to seeing the vet. The medication given by the vet may just be a bandaid, working to the symptoms but not looking at the core imbalance that is causing the issue in the first place. Because we are treating the core of the issues it may take longer to see the results but the have a more permeant and lasting effects.

Animals have systems within that require balancing to improve behaviour, learning, anxiety and stress.  They too feel frustrated, lack confidence and need love. Your pets have emotions too and these emotions keep energies attached to their body and being. When we clear these emotions, we shift the negative emotions and reconnect them to their calm and beautiful selves. 

Happy Clients

“Sadly after 14 and 1/2 wonderful years of love and companionship we said goodbye to our Tana.

We had the pleasure of meeting Rach through Tana- initially as his dog groomer and towards the end of his life she had become a friend of our family.

I spoke to Rach about booking an remote appointment for Tana, before we made the decision to put Tana to rest.

I did however get a text with a random question ” Have you fed Tana a kebab”…In reply …..ummmm yes, strangely enough a couple of weeks earlier my son hadn’t finished his dinner, and gave Tana 3/4 of his Kebab.

Anyway, to cut a long story and tearful story short Rach sent me a long message with the information she obtained connecting with Tana… including the fact he was so tired and he was ready to go and he wished for a kebab for his last supper….needless to say thats exactly what he got!

Thanks Rach for helping us care for Tana and helping us know our decision was right. ” Kerrie xx


Leo my cat was a very special and urgent case. It was suspected he was an abuse case that ended up on the streets. When I went to collect him it took us nearly an hour to find him because he would hide in the most discreet of places. When I got Leo home he wouldn’t come out of under the sink. He was terrified. He would shake out of pure fear. He wouldn’t eat, he’d shudder at my touch. My heart bled for him. This is when I asked Rach to step in and help me understand how to get through to him. She guided me through the right things to say to him to help him understand he is safe with me. Everyday I repeat to him what Rach uncovered and everyday Leo has been improving by leaps and bounds. I can see that Leo didn’t understand that a hand could be affectionate, that words could be encouraging. I now cry tears of joy everyday with how much progress he is making. To the point where he now SEEKS affection from me. I Know that I couldn’t have achieved this without Rach and for that, I’m forever grateful.


“Before working with Rach our 20 month English Bulldog Winston had been sleeping on our bed. Definitely not ideal but we had been battling him with it since he was a puppy, espcially as he is very affectionate and loves to know you’re there touching him.

I spent months trying different strategies from dog trainers, watching videos and asking everyone for advice. I tried things from having a crate next to the bed to sleeping on the floor, putting him in his crate, putting treats in his bed, almost anything you could think of, I tried it. I ended up just giving up as I was getting less and less sleep so he won the battle sleeping on the bed. But as he got bigger I couldn’t have him on the bed any more. There was now no room for me, I kept waking up trying to get comfortable and starting to suffer from hip and back issues due to not being able to stretch out enough. I finally hit breaking point when I asked Rachel if she could help. The first night he cried himself to sleep twice but didn’t fight me any longer. He stayed in his bed. By the second and third nights he was more accepting and after the 4th and 5th nights he would put himself to bed in his own bed and barely wake up.

I’m so grateful for your help Rach. I wish I had asked much earlier but I’m so glad I eventually did. I can highly recommend Rachel to anyone needing help with their dog that is in our situation we found ourselves in.”

Much appreciated!!


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