Did you know that animals can pick up vibrations and energy held in colours, flowers, plants, furniture, guests, peoples and much more.
Most people are aware their pets sense that a storm is coming before they themselves are aware. This is because dogs can sense the different vibrations, the dropping of the barometric pressure, they feel a shift in the static electric field before the storm comes, hence why they know sometimes before we do that a storm is on its way.
And then it hits… the dark ominous skies, fierce wind and heavy rain, with the loud claps of thunder and your dog sits up near your face, hides under the bed, or table. Next starts the drooling, panting and uncontrollable shaking.Sometimes dogs will jump high fences they never have before, dig holes to get out under fences, basically they do anything and everything they can to escape this fearful situation.
It’s not a very nice sight for us as guardians seeing our best friend in such a stressed out state. The worst part of a storm is that you find out your fur baby has escaped and you are madly posting on lost animal sites and driving around the block trying to find them.
I am lucky, I work from home and when I notice the dogs starting to sit up my arse I know a storm is coming.
That’s when I whip out my home made storm blend of oils and and put it on their paw pads and belly.
They calm down within 15min and sit at my feet not on my head.
This works differently for each dog. Our dogs react mildly. They pant, drool and shake, and well they do tend to climb up onto my head too.
There are other things you can try too:
- thunder jackets ( which work for some),
- create a safe place for them to go
- put on some AC/DC, some calming music on or tv to muffle the noise,
- try and be home in the storms to help destress your dog
- play with toys and try to distract your pet
- close blinds to shelter your pet from visual stimulation
- bandage wraps
What I can help with is a Connection Session with your pet. In this we can find out if there is an under laying issue that is causing more fear than normal and what alternative remedies could help, such as oils, vibrational essences, homeopathic remedies.
If you have questions about this or other issues, please reach out and ask. I’d love to help.